Shoreline Breakers


EST 2017 — The Shoreline Breakers are a non-profit travel baseball and softball organization made up of players and coaches from the Connecticut shoreline, including New London, Middlesex, and New Haven County’s.

Our Aim is to provide an elite level experience, at the most affordable tuition possible. Our success is due in no small part to the countless hours and hard work invested by our dedicated staff of volunteer and paid coaches as well as our amazing parents and young athletes.

Starting with just two travel baseball teams in 2017, we have grown into an iconic brand with more than 19 combined baseball and softball teams. We are extremely serious about and dedicated to the development of our players both physically and mentally – as well as providing a competitive experience that prepares them for the future, while getting the most out of the present.

“Concern with the present opens opportunities for the future.”

We continually push our players beyond what’s comfortable, while always encouraging personal initiative and achievement – because we believe at our core that success at anything comes from deliberate practice, and maximum effort. At the same time, we strive to provide our member parents with tremendous value, because we believe that money shouldn’t be an obstacle to playing youth sports.

Key Tenets of a Shoreline Breakers Athlete: Coachability – Effort – Attitude

Coachability: a player’s willingness to seek, be receptive to, and act on instruction in order to improve personal performance. Coachability is a positive response that allows for “coaching to performance” feedback. Highly coachable individuals take ownership of the results that they are getting. 

Effort: if a player makes their most serious attempt at anything and everything – especially when it’s difficult, that’s effort. Success and failure are about the will to give more of oneself in a desire to achieve something. Effort trumps everything else.

Attitude: every player wants to succeed – however, growth comes from failure. No other single thing will impact productive performance growth like learning from failures. But this requires a “growth mindset.” Without this, a poor attitude will prevail, and this will most certainly impede a player’s progress. Players with a “growth mindset” maintain positive energy, and easily overcome setbacks. They make the whole team better, because attitudes are contagious. 

“A positive attitude is the crown jewel of cognitive evaluation, it’s more important than appearances, talent, or skill. Attitude is more important than what other people think, and will make or break a team. Attitude is not what happens, but how one reacts to what happens. Attitude is a choice!”